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5 Ways to Manage Joint Issues

Naturopath, Nutritionist and Medical Herbalist Janella Purcell's Expert Advice

Did you know? Joint issues are the single greatest cause of disability in New Zealand. Research shows more than half a million people may be affected by joint-related conditions during their lifetime[1].

Symptoms may include red, irritated joints, stiffness—and in severe cases, loss of movement and deformity. 

While many sufferers rely on medication to ease the pain, there are nutrient-dense, natural products that may help sufferers lessen the symptoms.

Naturopath, nutritionist, medical herbalist and Lifestream ambassador Janella Purcell suggests five steps to help minimise joint discomfort:

1. Alkalise Your Diet

Acidity can increase the joint discomfort creating lack of mobility. Introduce sprouts, cereal grasses and sea veggies to bring your body into an alkaline state. Sprouting can take time so unless you’re highly dedicated to doing it regularly, look for a wholefood sprouts supplement that can be added to various recipes from smoothies to raw soups at any time.

2. Take High Quality, All-Natural Supplements

Take plant-based, non-synthetic supplements to help support the body to ease discomfort naturally. Regular intake of concentrated wholefood nutrition may help to maintain joint flexibility, mobility and function, while providing antioxidant protection against the damaging effects of free radicals. This is especially true when your overall diet may be lacking in wholefood groups.

3. Add in Good Fats

It’s important to add a high quality omega source to your daily diet, as these can work wonders for joint wellness. Always choose a plant-based ethical source, sourced from marine micro-algae, which is where fish also get their Omega3.

4. Take Aloe Vera

The pulp from this wonderful plant, which was loved by Cleopatra, has mucilaginous qualities, which means it may be helpful for keeping joints healthy. Drink aloe vera juice daily on an empty stomach. I drink 30ml when I get up in the morning and before I go to bed. Choose one that's independently certified by the International Aloe Science Council and is free of GMOs, herbicides and pesticides.

5. Supplement with Micro Algae

Look for a high quality, sustainable micro algae supplement that is high in bioavailable Phycocyanin, Vitamin B3, GLA and Zeaxanthin. These have been found to benefit the joints when consumed regularly.

Find Janella’s Supplement Recommendations Below

It’s nutrition to live by.

Lifestream is available at health food stores and pharmacies.



About Lifestream International

Lifestream International pioneered the introduction of superfoods into the Australasian market more than 35 years ago. The original superfoods, spirulina and aloe vera were the basis of the business and remain two of the company’s most successful products. From these beginnings, Lifestream has grown its range to more than 50 wholefood products, all made from completely natural plant sources. This makes Lifestream unique in New Zealand, using only plants as the basis for all of its products. Additionally, raw ingredients are sourced from certified organic, New Zealand sources where possible, and internationally from accredited, sustainable sources only. Lifestream now exports to more than 20 markets and has won awards for marketing, exporting and customer service. Today, Lifestream is the premier provider of wholefood, premium products to a growing legion of health conscious, wholefood consumers worldwide.

Lifestream products are sold in health stores and pharmacies throughout New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom and in more than 20 countries worldwide.

Lifestream International
24 Kawana St
Auckland 0627
New Zealand